Dog bite compensation claims. If you have been bitten by a dog we can help you claim the compensation that you deserve.
As well as bite incidents that occur on the street and in parks etc we can also assist with dog bites:
Click the image that reflects your injury for more information. Please note that this will take you to our dog bite claims website.
- when delivering parcels/food/post etc
- while at your place of work
- when the dog has been used as a weapon
- when the owner has failed to control their dog
- when the injured party is a child
For your initial consultation get in touch with us today:
- Call: Mike Massen on: 0113 224 7804 / 07793812361 (eve and w/ends)
- Email:
- Submit your enquiry with the form at the bottom of this page
- Request a call back at your convenience
Dog owners are responsible for ensuring that they control their dogs, and prevent them from causing harm or injury to other people. There are, however, occasions when unfortunately this does not happen, and injury results.
Cohen Cramer specialises in recovering damages for injuries caused due to the negligence of a dog owner or person in charge of a dog.
If you have suffered as a result of having been bitten or attacked by a dog, our experts may be able to help you recover compensation. Your claim can be made on a no-win no-fee basis so that if your claim is not successful then, as long as you have complied with our terms and conditions, you won’t have to pay for the work we did on your behalf.
Get the expert advice you need
Bringing dog bite compensation claims is a complex area of law and rarely straightforward, which is why it is important to seek specialist legal advice from the outset.
We have a proven track record in successfully pursuing these types of claims and we will look to claim compensation for your injuries and losses arising from the incident.
We will look to claim:
- Compensation for your injuries both mental and physical. This includes any scarring that may result from the attack
- Treatment costs in relation to physical and/or mental injury
- Lost earnings due to time off work due to the incident
- Care/assistance provided by professionals and/or family and friends due to your injuries
- Clothing and/or other property damaged in the incident
- Any other losses resulting from the incident
Start your dog bite compensation claim today:
For your initial consultation get in touch with us today:
- Call: Mike Massen on 0113 224 7804 / 07793812361 (eve and w/ends)
- Email:
- Request a call back with the form on this page
- Request a call back at your convenience
Advice on bringing dog bite compensation claims
You may have been bitten whilst working such as a delivery driver or postman. You may be bitten whilst out walking your dog or simply out walking.
The circumstances of your accident will have an impact on how your claim is dealt with:
- ‘Failure to control’ dog attack
The majority of dog bites arise due to the owner failing to control the animal whilst in public. This is not the fault of the dog but down to the failures on the part of the person regarded as having, by law, control of the animal.
Such incidents could happen anywhere and often occur in open spaces where the injured party’s dog gets into a fight with another dog. Alternatively, the injured party may simply be walking, running, or cycling past the animal when the attack occurs.
The fact that the animal is on the lead does not automatically mean that the dog is under control. If you have sustained an injury as a result of a dog attack get in touch with us today.
- Working animals
If you sustained an injury through a dog bite whilst visiting commercial premises where the dog is kept for security or other purposes (such as a working dog on a farm), then the claim would be brought against the owners of the premises. It is likely that they would have appropriate insurance to cover such incidents. This is known as public liability insurance.
If you were bitten while at work by a dog that was owned by your employers for the purposes of their business, then your claim will be brought under their employer’s liability policy.
- Pet dogs
The vast majority of incidents involve dogs which are simply pets and as such, we would be reliant upon the owner of the dog having appropriate third-party pet insurance or household insurance cover that covered such incidents.
Neither house nor pet insurance is compulsory and if no insurance is in place then it can be very difficult to pursue a claim. You may have a valid claim in liability but if there is no insurance in place and the chances of actually recovering compensation are very slim.
- Police dogs
Claims against the police for injuries suffered from police dog bites can be very difficult to deal with. Unless you are a completely innocent bystander then there is a strong chance that liability will be denied. You will need to show that despite being involved in criminal activity the amount of force used by the dogs, under police orders, was excessive or that the attending officer failed to control the animal so as to prevent your harm.
How to bring a successful dog bite compensation claim
To maximise your chances of a successful personal injury claim we would suggest the following:
- Notify the owner of the dog and of the property as soon as you are able to do so. It is unlikely they will admit fault at that stage but you should bring it to their attention that you have been bitten.
- If you are bitten during the course of your employment you should report it to your employers immediately and ask them to note it in the accident book.
- Take a photograph of your injuries before the wound is dressed to give an indication as to the extent of the injury sustained.
- Seek medical assistance. If your injuries are severe you should go straight to your local A&E department. In any event, you should always seek medical advice in case you require tetanus or antibiotics.
- Make a note of any witnesses to the event and their contact details.
If you intend to bring a claim for your personal injuries then ensure that you are represented by solicitors with the knowledge and experience to not only win your claim but to ensure that you get the maximum level of compensation.
Start your claim today:
For your initial consultation get in touch with us today:
- Call Mike Massen on 0113 224 7804 /07793812361 (eve and w/ends)
- Email:
- submit your enquiry with the form on this page
- Book a callback at your convenience